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(512) 400-0641


We're safety conscious

Safety goals, protocols and certifications mean we never put anyone at risk 

VERTX has always and will always put safety first. Our rope access teams are thoroughly trained and hold SPRAT/IRATA certifications and rope rescue certifications where needed. Our cleaning and field techs are OSHA 10 and 30 certified, CPR certified, Fall Safety Trained and certified. Our access, riggers, repair and cleaning technicians are certified with operator training for BMU, Swingstage, Aerial Lifts and Scaffolds for overhead protection and access.


We pride ourselves in investing in and training our teams and continued education for our staff and clients.


Our teams are well versed and comply with TCEQ and EPA regulations and provide green cleaning solutions for our LEED certified properties.




VERTX Facade Maintenance is working to protect and preserve the health of our employees and our customers here in Austin and Greater Texas.
We care about our customers and want to serve them as best as we can during this time. We are working to ensure everyone stays healthy and takes appropriate measures recommended by the CDCOSHA , World Health Organization (WHO), as well as following local city ordinances.

First and foremost, we want to maintain a safe workplace and be safe onsite and protect the health of our employees and our customers. We still in full operation, but we have put new guidelines in place to help maintain and safe working environment for all:



  • All employees must follow our in-house screening procedures. This involves checking employee’s temperatures and making sure that none of our employees have left the country or travelled domestically during the last 60 days.

  • Sick employees must stay at home so as to not spread any illness or virus.

  • Employees should take care to wash their hands frequently with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds.

  • Employees are to wear gloves and Personal protective equipment (PPE) when on-site.

  • All the services that we are currently providing are exterior cleaning (this includes window cleaning, pressure washing, and other exterior façade maintenance) and interior cleaning where minimal contact with staff, tenants and or residents is possible. 

  • Our staff is frequently cleaning hard surfaces throughout our home office, and we provided alcohol-based hand sanitizers throughout the workplace and in common areas. Cleaning sprays and wipes are also available to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.



We are proud of our team and their commitment to get the job done come rain or shine. While remaining complaint in accordance to the CDCOSHAWorld Health Organization (WHO), as well as following local city ordinances, we are still committed and continue to serve our customers by being 100% compliant in-house as well as onsite and following our customers’ needs.


We hope you are all keeping safe during these times. 




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the experts.

Our experience, coupled with our continuing education allows us to prioritize our expertise.



safety concious. 

Safety goals, protocols and certifications mean we never put any one at risk. 

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Free expertise, estimates, and our enduring customer care means we put their interests at the forefront of everything we do.

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a family. 

We’ve created a supportive family unit from within that extends to our clients.

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made in Austin.

No matter how big or small the project, we never forget our roots as an Austin-born business.

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